Have you ever flipped out when people think they have the right to comment about something without expecting you to respond? They give them to you for free.

Sometimes, the most proper answer would be a good slap in the face. They usually catch me off guard and the shock and my good manners make me keep silent as the answer to such references.

A long time ago, I was looking for a manager and in one of the agencies a charming woman, who ended up being a big bitch, received me. I remember she asked me to do a bit in front of her. Out of the blue… with so little experience, I began to shake like jelly. Then, I began to perform a story from my repertory about a little chicken who was eaten up by an evil fox. The truth is, that she loved my acting. She laughed a lot and she shook when the nice main character was devoured by the bad guy in the story.

When I finished she said to me, “Well, I can see you have performed this text many times before and you are too beautiful to be so fat.”… EXCUSE ME?!?!?! Can you believe it? How in the world could anyone say such a horrible atrocity to a young actress who has arrived in your office full of enthusiasm and in the hope that you would manage her?

If you don’t like my physique, and you know you are not going to represent me, don’t tell me that my text is very rehearsed. What did you want me to do? Did you want me to perform a text I didn’t know or did you want me to make mistakes so you would think that this was the first time I performed it?!! And, on the other hand, if you are not going to represent me, don´t make me act for you!!

If you want to criticize a performances, go to the theater and write a fucking blog, (excuse my bad language). But I think it is incredible that people abuse their position when they can…with impunity!!

And the “fat” comment… I am not so beautiful and I am not so fat, and you are a bitch who I should have responded to. Ha ha ha, now I can Iaugh about it, but that day I left that office crying like a baby, shit.

She would have eaten her words if she had heard the conversation between Carlos Iglesias and me preparing for the character of MariCarmen for Un Franco 14 Pesetas.

He asked me to gain weight and the same for the second film. “All you actress look like models, and it is not credible”, he said. What do you think? And me… I remembered that manager while I thought…if she only knew…

angela del salto

By the way, what did she mean by “fat”? Because for this “nice” lady it meant not to be anorexic. I have been on a thousand diets, I have gained, lost and maintained my weight. I have changed sports, training regimens and personal trainers and the thing is, that today I feel comfortable with my body. It has nothing to with my weight. I t is just because I am at my best mental moment.

I think, the important thing is to feel in harmony with the universe and to walk in peace. This statement may sound a little tacky, but it is a way of life. Meditation is what got me there.

As an actor, or actress, to be able to manage your body is vital. On stage I have never had problems with that… well, sometimes, yes, especially if I had to wear something that had nothing to do with the character and there was no way to feel comfortable… but I will talk to you about that on another occasion; today is about to be or not to be fat and how anybody can be controlled by it.

Well, each one of our single features conditions our lives. We can not allow that to limit us and moreover, for other’s to do so.

I do not know what the hell that old witch was thinking about when she told me, “You are too beautiful to be so fat”, nor what was going on in her mind when she made that unfortunate comment, but today I still remember it, especially the pain she caused me. But I can now say, “Thank you lady”, because I can laugh about the past and the things that have happened in this crazy world we live in.

And what about you? Has anybody ever said such nonsense to you like that? I am all ears!!!