“open your eyes and see
see what?
the world?
what for?
to find its beauty…
what else for?”

Ángela del Salto


Another artistic facet in which Angela is excelling is as an author

Alongside her partner, the visual artist Ignatius Blue, she has co-written two plays, several short theatrical pieces and short films, poems, and two novels.
Adventures and Misadventures of a Spanish Actress in the USA” is her first novel to see the light. It’s a chaotic diary written between California, Florida, and New York in 2021. Currently, Angela and Ignatius Blue, along with the director and screenwriter Agatino Zurria, are in the pre-production stage of an audiovisual project based on the same novel.
This autobiographical book narrates the experiences, the highs and lows, the discoveries that a Spanish actress encounters after deciding to pursue new professional paths in the USA. This whirlwind of pursuit is also marked by a major depressive episode following the sudden death of her parents. Writing helps her recover, also to remember.
In these pages, illustrated by Ignatius Blue, or “the lad,” Angela describes how she leaps across the ocean and navigates the world of entertainment and her life.
At the beginning of the text, we find a reflection by the Spanish poet Antonino Nieto.
Illustrations by Ignatius Blue
(Insta symbol) @im.ignatius

Illustrations of Ignatius Blue

My father was a Mathematician and Painter, since my childhood he introduced me in the Spanish Informalism (Abstract Expressionism in USA), with artists such as Lucio Muñoz, Manolo Millares, Antonio Tapies… When I was about 21, I traveled to London to Learning from the Young’s Burgeoning Conceptualist Movement British Artists (artists such as Damien Hirst, Tracey Emin, Sarah Lucas… ) Throughout my life I have alternated the practice of medicine with And in Europe I’ve worked basically on commission. In January 2017 I arrived with my wife in Florida and started work with my American Agent at NYC (Agora Gallery). In January 2020 I move to Los Angeles.

Hisnew project, “Wall Book of Art,” combines multiple prints into a single ArtWork using a support inspired by a book.

ignatius blue

About the Publisher Glosolalia Editions

Glosolalia Editions is part of the publishing group Cosecha Negra, whose main imprint is Cosecha Negra Editions. This publishing house, founded in 2021, is now a reference point in terms of publishing noir and crime genre works. In 2022, Cosecha Negra Editions was chosen in Córdoba as the best noir genre publisher nationally, and since then, the projection of this literary label has only grown, becoming a regular presence in book fairs and various noir genre festivals currently scattered throughout Spain.
Due to this growth and the limitations offered by Cosecha Negra Editions in terms of literary themes (as only noir novels are published), we have thought of creating this literary label, to shed light and give voice to those authors whose narrative style is different and who truly deserve an opportunity to be read. Like Cosecha Negra, Glosolalia Editions is a classic editorial imprint, where we take care of the entire editing and distribution process of your book. All we ask of those writers who want to submit their manuscript to us is commitment, enthusiasm, and hard work, that they pour themselves into their work and demonstrate to us that they are truly deserving of an opportunity. Our weapons are simple: transparency, work, and humility.

El editor

Pedro J. Martín was born in 1978 in a humble neighborhood in Huelva. His passion for literature will come late, and he comes hand in hand with his work, a job that keeps him away from his home for long periods of time. It is in the solitude of the numerous hostel rooms that he runs where he clings to the company of books that help him combat the tedious loneliness. Later, in mid-2014, he decided to write the first lines of what a year and a half later would be his first novel, “The Gray Color of Hope,” a story set in Huelva in the mid-18th century, which has as its thread driver the devastation suffered by the capital of Huelva after the Lisbon earthquake of November 1, 1755. The novel, which was published at the end of 2015, was well received by readers and writers, and was echoed by several media outlets. from the province and outside it.


Pedro J. Martin
Cosecha Negra Editorial Group
Calle Béjar 7, Huelva 21007
(+34) 677 07 37 83


Distributed by ACL
Polígono industrial Haizpea, 1
0150 Aduna.
(+34) 916 86 47 11
Without ceasing to be formal